The Start and The End

It all started when Hitler was a dictator he started off with him making a army.He thought he could do anything he wanted even take over the world.Soon he built concentration camps in Germany and other places.As soon as possible he ordered the soldiersto find Jews and bring them to him.He would see what they were good at and if he didn’t like what things they could do he would kill them.Every day there were about 9,000 Jews killed in camps.So Hitler made more inventions that held more people at once.There was to much people that died thathe started digging huge holes in the ground.

Then he made labor camps that made people work for him he would keep the strong young men to work for him.Later resistance would try to free Jews and anybody else in the camps.They would take them to safe places and keep them wealthy.When Pearl Harbor ended the Americans and allies teamed up to take Hitler down.First they killed Germans in their way then freed people from concentration camps.Hitler committed suicide in a bunker and was never seen again.After World War II ended Jews would never forget that day and peace was restored.

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